Friday, April 27, 2007

NCAA Very Busy - NO TXT Messages, Baseball Transfers Hurt

The Advisor thought his 16 month old daughter was a busy little girl until he read about some recent NCAA activity that impacts all potential student athletes.

First, effective 8/1/07, college coaches can no longer send prospects a TEXT message. Players, you can send them to a coach, but they cannot respond.

Read about it at the web site.

Baseball Players - You can no longer transfer without having to sit out a year. While most sports penalize transfers by making you sit a year in residence at the new school, baseball players used to have an EZ Button. Not anymore! The follow rules are now on the books.
- Transfers sit a year in residence (you miss a year) Read excerpts from Charleston Post and Courier below.

"Starting on Aug. 1, 2008, baseball players must sit out a year after transferring from one school to another, as their counterparts in football and basketball are required to do. That marks a major change in how college baseball programs are run, said Cougars coach John Pawlowski.
''It's going to change the game,'' said Pawlowski, whose team has advanced to the NCAA playoffs the last four years.
''It's going to make a lot of coaches, myself included, re- evaluate a little bit. I've already started to think about a lot of things we do. It will definitely change things.''

Other rule changes
- To be academically eligible in the spring you must meet a new Fall Eligibility standard.
- The number of players who can receive atheltic aid in baseball is now limited to 27 players (no limits prior)
- Each player must receive at least 33% tuition scholarship

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