Monday, September 01, 2008

Goose Adventure Racing - Update July 2007


We're back! We're long overdue to get the word and race app out for our big Fall event, the fourth annual Out of Bounds Half Marathon and 10K Trail Runs at Bristol Mountain. Join us Sunday, October 5th (noon start)for big fun, big elevation changes and a big post race feast. Course designer Tim Ratowski, the innovator of offroad, has set up a challenging course that will take you on a wild tour of the woods around Bristol Mountain in Canandaigua, NY. Sense of humor is required.

What's new this year:
* New race date, we are on Sunday this year instead of Saturday.
* Our 10K serves as the USATF Niagara Association 10K Trail Championship. USATF Niagara Association members are eligible to compete for the overall cash prize and age group medals. You do not need to be a USATF member to participate in the 10K but awards however are only available to USATF Niagara Association members. USATF membership registration will be available race day. Awards in the half marathon are open to all racers.
* Mizuno tech shirts to the first 125 to register at either distance.
* Ian Webber is responsible for the video of the 2007 race now on our website, it offers a great glimpse of the race and what we do. Enjoy.
* An elevation profile has been added to the home page.

Each participant receives:
* A Skyride chairlift ride to the start at the summit of Bristol Mountain.
* Mizuno Tech Shirt to the first 125 registered runners.
* Post race barbecue.
* Half marathoners receive a pair of Injinji socks (first 75 registered).

Consider joining us for one of the most unique and challenging running experiences in the Northeast. We promise fast descents, big climbs, great views of the surrounding mountains, well-stocked fuel stations and a big collection of swag thanks to awesome race support from our sponsors that include: Bristol Mountain Winter Resort, Teva footwear, Mizuno, Ultimate Direction hydration, Buff headwear, Injinji socks and All Terrain Photo.

Thanks for reading and we'll see you out there.

You've been Goosed!

Mort and Tim

Meat Meat Meat - Protein and Athletes

The Athlete’s Kitchen

Copyright: Nancy Clark MS RD CSSD August 2008

Protein and Athletes

Protein is a hot topic among athletes of all sports. They want to know how much protein they need, when they should eat it, what's the best kind of protein, and if they should buy sports drinks with protein. The purpose of this article to answer some of these questions and leave you with this message: While adequate protein is important in your sports diet, protein should take it’s place as the accompaniment to carbs (grains, fruits, vegetables) in each meal and snack.

Q. I've been eating egg whites for breakfast. I’ve heard they are an excellent source of high quality protein, right?
A.Yes, egg whites offer high quality, muscle building protein. But take note: egg whites are mostly water, and are not “packed with protein.” A 3-egg white omelet has only about 10 grams of protein. You could more easily swig 10 ounces skim milk and skip the cooking and dishwashing.
A whole egg has about 6 grams protein, and is rich in vitamins and minerals. The yolk is cholesterol-rich; the debate continues whether or not the cholesterol you eat affects your blood cholesterol and heart-health. Likely not.
Better than eggs or egg whites, choose to fuel your muscles with carb-rich and health-protective oatmeal for breakfast. Cook it with skim milk (instead of water). If you want more protein, add almonds, walnuts and/or 1/4 cup of powdered milk.

Q. I've been weight lifting for several years. Do I still need a high protein diet?
A. In the early stages of training, your protein needs are higher than when you have established a stable muscle mass. Once you have built muscle, your protein needs return to the standard requirements. Yet, most strength-trained athletes habitually eat a high protein intake, and this becomes a moot point. Research suggests resistance exercise enhances the way your body uses the protein you eat, and this actually results in greater efficiency and a reduced protein requirement. (Campbell, 2007)

Q. How many protein bars per day are too many?
A. To start, you need to determine how much protein your body needs and then assess how much protein you eat via your standard diet. Most athletes eat more than enough protein without supplements! To estimate your daily needs, multiply your weight by 0.5-0.75 g protein/pound (1.0-1.5 g/kg). If you are restricting calories or are a novice exerciser who is building new muscles, your protein needs are a little higher, but 1 g protein/lb (2 g/kg) is more than enough!
• If you weigh ~120 lbs, the suggested intake is ~60-90 grams protein per day; 90-120 grams if dieting or starting to lift weights seriously.
• If you weigh ~160-lbs, the suggested intake is ~80-120 grams protein per day; 120-180 if dieting or starting to lift weights seriously.
To determine how much protein you eat at meals, use the information on food labels and/or analyze your diet at websites such as or
Once you know how much protein you eat at meals and snacks, you can then determine how many protein bars you need. (Likely none!) That is, if your diet offers 100 grams protein and you need only 90 grams, there’s no need to buy a protein bar other than for calories to curb hunger. The athletes most likely to benefit from protein bars are dieters who restrict calories (including dancers, runners, wrestlers, gymnasts), vegetarians, and picky eaters.

Q. I'm a vegetarian and try to eat some plant protein at each meal. I still wonder if I am getting enough protein to support my training for a half-Ironman.
A. Many vegetarians who think they eat well are surprised to learn how little protein plant foods offer. For example, a petite vegetarian athlete who needs at least 55 grams protein per day might base her meals on these plant-proteins for the day:
Breakfast: a dallop of hummus (4 g protein) on toast
Lunch: a Boca burger (13 g)
Dinner: a quarter-cake of tofu (9 g).
That totals only 26 of the recommended 55 grams protein! Yes, she gets a bit more protein from the grain foods and veggies that round out her meals, but she would be wise to double those protein portions!
Getting enough protein is particularly important if you are restricting your calories to lose weight. Protein needs jump when calories are low because the protein gets burned for fuel rather than get used for building or repairing muscle. If you are concerned about your protein intake, meet with a certified specialist in sports dietetics for personalized advice. To find your local CSSD, use the referral network at

Q. Should I use a sports drink with protein during my endurance runs that last longer than an hour?

A. If your goal of taking a sports drink with protein (such as Accelerade or Amino Vital) during an endurance event is to enhance your performance, don't bother. Endurance is largely affected by how many calories you consume while you exercise. Studies that look at protein+carbs during endurance exercise indicate when the total calorie intake is similar, the proposed endurance benefits are not there.
A good tactic is to eat a tried-and-true, well tolerated carb-protein snack or light meal within the hour or two before you embark on a long run or other form of endurance exercise. That is, enjoy some pre-exercise cereal with milk, bagel with an egg, a swig of lowfat chocolate milk. This gets protein into your system, so it’s ready to be used. Then after the first hour of endurance exercise, target ~200 to 300 calories of carbs/hour. Choose the sports beverage that tastes best to you. Soon after you’ve finished training, have a wholesome protein+carb snack or meal, to help reduce muscle soreness.

Q. I know I should eat a 3 or 4 to 1 ratio of carbs to protein right after I exercise, but I don't know what that looks like in terms of food. So I buy Accelerade to be sure I get the right ratio. Are there other options?
A. Commercial recovery drinks are more about convenience than necessity. You can enjoyably refuel with chocolate milk, yogurt, a sandwich or pasta with meat sauce. The ratio need not be exact; you just don’t want to consume a heavy amount of protein that sits in the stomach and slows digestion.
Also, whether or not a protein-carb sports beverage is superior to a carb-only beverage remains debated. In a recent study (Green, 2008) in which athletes drank either a carb or a carb-protein recovery drink immediately after muscle-damaging downhill running, both beverages offered a similar recovery process over the course of three days. The authors conclude the meals in those post-exercise days supplied the protein and carbs needed to recover. Yet, in a six-day study with college cross-county runners, those who took a carb+pro supplement reported less soreness than those who took only carbs (Luden, 2007.)
The bottom line: You won’t go wrong by refueling soon after exercise with a carb-protein combination. If engineered foods are preferable because they are convenient, buy them. But if you prefer the wholesome goodness of chocolate milk and other natural protein-carb combination, enjoy them instead!

Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD (Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics) offers private consultations to casual and competitive athletes in her practice at Healthworks, the premier fitness center in Chestnut Hill MA (617-383-6100). Her NEW Sports Nutrition Guidebook (2008), Food Guide for Marathoners, and Cyclist’s Food Guide are available via See also


Campbell W, Leidy H (2007). Dietary protein and resistance training effects on muscle and body composition in older persons. J Am Coll Nutr 26, 696S-703S.

Green MS, Corona BT, Doyle JA, Ingalls CP. Carbohydrate-protein drinks do not enhance recovery from exercise-induced muscle injury. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2008;18(1):1-18.

Luden ND, Saunders MJ, Todd MK. Postexercise carbohydrate-protein-antioxidant ingestion decreases plasma creatine kinase and muscle soreness. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2007;17(1):109-23.


Thick and Frosty Milk Shake
Here’s a thick and tasty milk shake recipe from the new Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook, Fourth Edition (2008). The shake is tasty carbo-protein combination and makes a welcomed recovery food.
The instant pudding adds a thick texture; the ice cubes make it frosty and refreshing. It’s a healthful alternative to standard milk shakes made with ice cream and an enjoyable way to boost not only your protein and calcium intake, but also reduce post-exercise muscle soreness.

By varying the flavor of the pudding (vanilla, lemon, chocolate), you can create numerous variations. You can also add fruit (preferably frozen chunks) for extra nutritional value.

Note: The shake thickens upon standing; you can add more (or less) pudding mix, depending on how thick you like your shakes. If there are pieces of ice cubes remaining in the shake, worry not-they'll just keep the beverage cool.

1 cup milk, skim or lowfat
1/4 cup instant pudding
1/4 cup powdered milk
3 ice cubes

Optional: 1/2 to 1 cup (frozen) fruit chunks

1. Place all ingredients in a blender, and blend until smooth.

Yield: 1 serving

Nutrition Information : 280 total calories; 55 g carbohydrate; 15 g protein; 0 g fat

Reprinted with permission from Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook, Fourth Edition (Human Kinetics, 2008)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Medical Awareness for Female Cross Country Runners

******************************************************************************** a 10 year staple of every competitive runner from high school on up has team up with a medical student to study the Menstrual Irregularities in HS Cross Country Runners.
Menstrual Irregularities in High School Cross Country Runners My name is Jennifer Malcolm and I used to run Pennsylvania District 1 cross-country and track with Villa Maria Academy and went on to compete at Bucknell University. I am now a first year resident at the Medical College of Georgia and am pursuing a career in sports medicine. Dr. Christopher Mehallo of the Rothman Institute and I would like your help this fall with our study on menstrual irregularities in high school cross-country runners.
This is a VOLUNTEER study involving an ONLINE questionnaire. The study is strictly CONFIDENTIAL. The runners will NOT indicate their name or school on the questionnaire. The initial survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete, and athletes will be asked to keep a log of their menstrual cycles during the 2007 cross-country season. The log is also online and requires less than 5 minutes of your time each month.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

5th Year Player at RPI - Can't give it up!

Note: This link will expire in 7 days.
You can't find a more academically challenging college with this good a football program. A lot of credit has to be given to the players, yes of course, but to the coaches and admissions staff who find players that can compete on a Top 20 D-III football team and endure a very demanding science and engineering academic program.
RPI web site:

RPI Sports web site: (note how it is under student life, not a stand alone sports web site, that tells you a little already). RPI is building what will be the top football stadium in the greater Albany NY area - surpassing SUNY Albany (D-1) in facilities by a big margin...for now.

Casale is back for one last try
Fifth-year student returns to complete RPI career

By PETE DOUGHERTY, Staff writer First published: Saturday, August 23, 2008
TROY — Nick Casale remembers the chilly December day nearly five years ago in Collegeville, Minn., arguably the pinnacle of RPI's 123-year football history. He was a high school senior at the time, and he traveled with his parents to watch his brother Anthony play in the NCAA Division III football semifinals against St. John's (Minn.).

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Friday, July 25, 2008

Who Is Fielding Yost?

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Some say he is a great inventor...but of what?

Interestingly for Michigan football fans, Yost, a West Virginia native, is perhaps the grand father of the spread, up tempo offense. Yost is a Michigan Legend and former AD of Big Blue. His nick name was "Hurry Up". Something you no doubt hear new Michigan Coach, and fellow West Virgina native, Rich Rodriguez say a lot. Albeit with a few curse words mixed in.

So, Big Blue fans, if you are not happy with the new look Wolverines this year, you only have one place to look - your own back yard! (make that two, West Virginia).

From Wikipedia - During their first five seasons under Yost, Michigan outscored its opponents 2,821 to 42, earning the nickname "Point-a-Minute."

So for all you folks out there wondering who was actually the father or grandfater of this wide open, hurry up, spot the ball and snap it movement? It comes with some surprise that sluggy old Michigan (for the most part) was the epicenter of the movement.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Rob Crews - The Rob Crews Softball Swing

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Good article about an old friend of mine. Rob Crews - the man can coach hitting. He specializes in softball players and his students include current NCAA stand-outs Ali Gardiner and Maddy Coon (plus several others).

Ultimately, Rob is a good guy who puts everything he has into the improvement of his students. If you don't give him the same, don't count on a 2nd chance.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Mental Skill Tip for Performance Enhancement


When speaking to groups about mental skills and the topic of self talk came up, it seemed that many in the audience had a hard time relating to the fact that useful self talk has to be self created. As athlete's we are trained to do what the coach tells us. In this case, we tell athlete's to use phrases that are positive and have meaning to them - in other words, you gotta figure it out a little.

Olympic Qualifier Alice Schmidt (800 Meters) had this interesting quote in a New York Road Runner interview.

NYRR: I read somewhere that you’ve been working on your mental game. What have you done?

AS: That has come with practice. It’s been tougher since I’ve been training alone. I definitely have to be more deliberate in visualizing through long intervals and workouts. Sometimes it’s really tough for me to stay focused. That’s something that I’ve just acquired over time. During the race I’m usually like “the hay is in the barn and the work has been done and today you will compete fiercely.” If you’re thinking during a race, you’re doing something wrong.

Read the entire article.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Ron Horn Runners Update - July 18

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Joggers and Joggettes;

2 or 3 of you had asked to get off our subscription list. Was too busy this week but will deepsix you next week. Just ignore this horse hooey, like the other 10,700 people do!

1) MEGA EASY AWARD ALERT: this Sunday’s wonderful Winning Kick 5k thru the flat, shaded old neighborhoods of Mt Penn currently has about 60 entries and gives 53 awards. Now, they do get a decent walk up every year but this race is TOO nice not to warrant the attention of some of you. The app is on; timing and course design by Pretzel City as well. If you’re looking for something FAR more wild on Sunday, Big Wayne will be timing the Xterra 21K and 10K Trail Run down in Nottingham, PA Don Morrison puts on a 1st class event and since this race helps earn points from the national Xterra rankings and championship, he has about 175 entries so far, from as far away as Reno, NV!! Check out the contact info for the race on the PCS site and give this event with national recognition a try.

2) I am KRANKED about the upcoming Marsh Creek Raptor 5m & 10M trail run!!! I rode the course with the race director the other day and its 99% certain that we’re going to make a change that will add some really neat trail with downed logs and a mud bog or two; the kind of stuff the crazies like! Even BETTER is the fact that this addition would eliminate 2 of the least appealing parts of the course; the long, grassy, uphill field in the sun that comes about the 3 mile mark and the start where you go thru a parking lot, run on grass and then return thru the parking lot. The new course, if implemented, will be FAR nicer, less confusing for those doing a 2nd lap and more shaded. The race director has generously extended the prereg to midnight tonight. So, get those apps postmarked today or get on TODAY, JOSE! This price break is FAR more than any oil cartel member has done for your pocketbook lately!!

3) A few prereg deadlines are coming up. The Grings Mill 5k & 10k, Pennsylvania’s prettiest race, has its deadline in just a few days. The shirts & medals for this event will go back to the retro design for this event that I used when I first directed it in 1987. It still remains one of the nicer shirts given in this area. It’s also time to start looking at the deadline for the Half Wit Half, trail running’s answer to labor pain and now finishing at the Reading Liederkranz German Singing and Sports club, and the Run4Sam 4 Miler in late Aug. The Hit the Hay 8 Mile trail run deadline is approaching too! 5-6 creek crossings, some wonderful vistas and a sickass course designed by Big Wayne, who is as demented as he is tall. You can find all of these apps on Lastly, the wonderful Legs for Lindsey is not too far off either. This mid-week evening race at Evansburg State Park is in memory of Lindsey, a special needs child who got wonderful results from horse riding therapy. The race is directed by her mother in memory of her daughter who tragically died in her early 20’s, and proceeds will go to help other special needs kids have this same wonderful experience.

4) BIG happenings at last night’s Third Thirsty Thursday. A young man showed up and asked what the course record was. He was from Michigan, in town with his wife who is from Berks Co. I informed him that it was a 16:10 but that they had just re-stoned the trail about 2 weeks ago and it was still not quite hardpacked and, as such, a little slower than it will be in 2-3 weeks. “Well”, he said “it’s going down.” Now, I LOVE bravado because it normally leads to 2 things 1) either a great performance or 2) a chance to trash someone who makes a claim and then they fall flat on their face (like the guy at the end of the bike at the recent Trimax triath. He was in the top 10 at the end of the bike and I told him he was 45 seconds behind the person ahead of him. He asked me how far he was behind 1st, I told him 7 ½ minutes and said that there was no way that he was going to catch him with a lead like that in a 5k. He said-“we’ll see about that”…., and we did! Not only did he NOT catch him, he dropped 3 places in the overall!! ). Anyway, back to the Third Thirsty. The guy was true to his word. Despite the slower course, he ran a scintillating 15:01; the second fastest 5k I can remember in Berks Co over the past 15 years, Ends up, his last race before this was in the finals of the US Olympics Trails, where he took 8th in the 3000M(?) steeplechase. Second place was in the mid 16’s and he STILL got beat by over 1:30!! It was an incredible performance and it happened at our little old race known for hot times and cold beers!

5) For several years, a prominent, wealthy restaurateur in NYC’s Little Italy was having an affair with an Italian woman. One night, she confided in him that she was pregnant. Not wanting to ruin his reputation or his marriage, he told her that if she would go to Italy to secretly have the child and stayed there to raise it, he would first pay her a large sum of money and then provide very generous Child support until the child was 18.

She agreed, but asked how he would know when the baby was born. To keep it discreet, he told her to simply mail him a postcard, and write 'Spaghetti' on the back. He would
then arrange for the child support payments to begin.

One day, about 7 months later, he came home to his confused wife.

'Honey,' she said, 'you received a very strange postcard today.'

'Oh really?' he said trying to look none the wiser, 'Surely a case of mistaken identity or a wrong address - let me see the card.'

She passed it to him and watched as her husband read the card. Upon reading it, he turned white and fainted! It said…..

'Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti, Spaghetti.

Three with meatballs, two without.

"Send extra sauce"

6) Although the 20 in 24 race is full, many folks we know are coming down this Sat and Sunday morning just to watch it. They want to see how some of these folks look after 20-21 hours of nonstop torture!! It will be interesting to see just how many people are able to grasp one of the 50 Mile certificates and the 100 mile certificates, considering that the weather is supposed to be hotter than a Pamela Anderson bra fitting. Not sure who all is running it but I know they include Laura Yasso, wife of Bart, Rob Gallagher of the BuxMont Club, Scott Tutton who directs the many races from the Hatfield Athletic Club and several members of our home club, the Pagoda Pacers. Should make for some WONDERFUL stories of pain and perseverance!! Now, if I can just stay up for 30 hours!

7) Fred's convertible glided to a halt on the edge of a lonely country road.

"I suppose," said his pretty but reluctant date, "you're going to pull the old 'out of gas' routine."

"No," said Fred, "I'm going to pull the 'here after' routine."

"The 'here after' routine what's that?", she wanted to know.

"Well, it goes like this. If you're not here after what I'm here after, you'll be here after I'm gone."

8) The very popular Lehigh Valley Hospital Marathon for VIA (individual and relay) has limits to its entry so if you’re thinking about doing it in early Sept, you better get on this stick!!! Or off of it. Or whichever it is. Oh, heck, just throw the stick away!!! The event goes from Allentown to Easton on primarily packed cinder trails and is one of the most competitive relay races in the East, with a VARIETY of divisions! PCS will be timing it and Bart Yasso, of Runners World is the quasi-director of the event; at least the part that relates to the course & rules. Hope to see a bunch of you there; either along or with 4 other knuckleheads. The web site is

9) A doctor had just finished a marathon whoopee session with one of his patients. He was resting afterwards and was feeling a bit guilty because he thought it wasn't really ethical to “schtupp” one of his patients.

However, a little voice in his head said;

"Lots of other doctors have whoopee with their patients so it’s not like you're the first..."

This made the doctor feel a little bit better until still another voice in his head said,

"... but they probably weren't veterinarians".

10) Tidbits:

A major mailing is going out this week to people that did a race on our list over the past year. It contains the Hit the Hay, the Michael Wise, the Blues Cruise Ultra, the Live, Love, Hear 5k from Trooper Thorns, the Radnor Red Run Steeplechase, the Dark and Dirty Nighttime Trail Run and the Evansburg Challenge. It should hit the post office today and if you don’t see one in a week or so, most of the apps are on the PCS site.

The water crossing at this past weekends’ Herbert”s Off Road race in Allentown was a complete hoot! Some 198 people did this combination of grass, packed cinder trail, rustic trail and one hilarious creek crossing. Special props go to 2 people. The crossing was just about race deep but there must have been a slippery rock near the bank, because several people that stepped into that section were immediately thrown forward up to their neck. 1st props go to our old buddy and always a frontrunner Budd Coates, from Rodale, who slipped on that rock immediately immersing himself up to his neck and thought, what the heck, and swam the reminder of the waist deep challenge. The second prop (I hope I have the name right) goes to Dr Jack Manzella. For reasons only he will know, he took off his shoes and then tried to get his dog to jump in. The dog was obviously the smarter of the two and refused! Dr Jack threw his shoes on the bank to try to get out and join the dog when one of them fell back in and started floating down the creek. Thanks to the race director’s brother, Neil, the shoes were saved while Jack dealt with the hound. NEAT race all around!!!

Still trying to find out what happened to the McFit and Able 5k in Orwigsburg. Did they have it this year?? This race was wonderfully directed and treated the runners better than 98% of the event that I attend. But, the course was SO hard that almost without fail, 90% of those that did it ONLY ever did it once!

Wonderful turnout the last 2 weeks for the Wed night races. The Moyer event got almost 450 people and the Phils Tavern did even better than that at 501 in the 5k alone! With the weekends being SO crowded, its great that we now have other options! One of the entries at the Phils run was the assistant director of the Boston Marathon who is also the director, at least for logistics I think, of the Phila Marathon.

Be sure to check out the Aug edition of Trail Runner magazine. They did a 20 year anniversary piece on the GREAT Hinte Anderson (HAT) 50k in Havre de Grace, MD. Congrats to Jeff and Phil for what they have done to make this one of the best races in the country. LOTS of familiar faces in the pics of the article; plus the event was won by our good friend & frequent PCS race winner Alex Barth and our clubmate from the Pacers, Lauren Zuidema.

THIS is why I stopped training for all long races. The Western Sates, the premier 100 miler in the country, was cancelled this year due to the forest fires in California. They had to do what they had to do. But, there are people that patterned the entire year’s training around that race. That HAS to be a bummer!!!

11) Shorties-----

A guy walks into a psychiatrist's office wearing only shorts made from Glad Wrap. The psychiatrist says, "Well, I can clearly see you're nuts."

What's the difference between a “hooker” and a “pusher”? The hooker can wash her crack and resell it.

Two poor kids were invited by a rich kid to a swimming party at his pool.
When they were changing into their swim trunks, one turned to the other and said:
"Did you notice the small weenies on the rich kids?" The other answered:
"Yeah! It's probably because they have toys to play with!"

An old man of 70 married a young girl of 18. When they got into bed the night after the wedding, he held up three fingers.

"Oh honey", said the young nymph,
"Does that mean we're going to do it three times?"
"No", said the old man, "It means you can take your pick of any of them."

12) If this email is as well received as Reverend Jackson’s remarks on the Obama campaign when he though his mike was off, “jess” let us know and we’ll take you off the list.

Ron Horn
Pretzel City Sports

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mike Barwis - Suddenly Famous

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For those in the blog and chatosphere wondering about the hype given Mike Barwis, the new Michigan SC coach, I recommend that you look back at the 2003 (not sure the year) WVU vs. Miami game in the Orange Bowl and see not just Quincy Wilson recreate an out of control freight train down the sideline and leave a cleat mark on some "caine;s" sternum. But you should also look at all those fat UM linemen - "Nobody works harder than UM!!?? Right Feldman?" - totally gassed in the 4th quarter while WVU was still rolling.
Watch the run again if y our don't recall

True, they lost, due in large part to the pure god given talent of Winslow - but the bigger picture is what we are after here.

I recall a chat with Mike in which he was less than impressed with the conditioning level of the "hardest workers in football." Well we all know, from the recent success in S. Florida, that we can't say that about Mike Irvin's extended family anymore.

Also, if you have ever sat in a team meeting, like I have, especially the night before the last home game of the seniors when they are all given a chance to speak ,then you might find it interesting that all 22 WVU Sr's mentioned Mike Barwis in their talk to the team. That means something.

So, the Big Ten is in for a rude awakening and likely OSU is the only team prepared to handle the speed and onslaught that will come at them once the Wolverines have their stuff together. Give em a year. The speed of play better pick up...

I think back to how bad FSU walloped Michigan in the big house back in 1991 and it seems they learned very little about speed since then. Not anymore.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

START YOUR ENGINES: The ABC's of Sports Nutrition

Copyright: Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD July 2008

START YOUR ENGINES: The ABC's of Sports Nutrition

Eating a performance-enhancing diet isn't easy, and for many athletes and active people, nutrition is their missing link. If that's your case, here are a few ABC’s to get you started on the path to winning with good nutrition.

Always eat breakfast; it's the meal of champions! Within three hours of waking, fuel-up for a high-energy day. Not hungry in the morning? Trade evening snacks for a nice breakfast the next day.
Breakfast of champions? I vote for whole grain cereal + milk + fruit—an easy, wholesome, carb-protein combination.
Carbohydrates are essential to fuel-up and refuel your muscles. Do not “stay away from” pasta, potato, bread, bagels and other carbs that have wrongly been deemed “fattening.” Excess fat gets easily converted into body fat, but not carbs.
Dehydration needlessly slows you down, so plan to drink extra fluids before you exercise. The kidneys require about 45 to 90 minutes to process fluids. Allow time to tank up, eliminate the excess, and then drink again pre-workout.
Energy bars are more about convenience than necessity. Bananas, yogurt, fig cookies and granola bars offer convenient fuel at a fraction of the price. But if you prefer the convenience of bars, try Zing Bars ( Yum!
Food is fuel--not the "fattening enemy" as some weight-conscious athletes believe. If you obsess about food and weight, find a local sports dietitian at
Gatorade and other sports drinks are designed to be used by athletes during extended exercise, not as a lunch or snack beverage.
Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar, as characterized by light-headedness, fatigue, and inability to concentrate) is preventable. To eliminate an afternoon energy lag/drop in blood sugar, enjoy a hearty snack between lunch and dinner.
Iron-rich foods, needed to prevent anemia, include beef and dark meat chicken (thigh, leg). If you eat neither of those, choose iron-fortified breakfast cereals (Raisin Bran, Wheaties). Read the cereal label, and note all natural brands (Kashi, granola) offer little iron.
Junk food can fit into your sports diet in small amounts. That is, you don't have to have a “perfect diet” to have a good diet. Target a diet that is 90% quality foods and, if desired, 10% foods with marginal nutritional value—sports drinks (refined sugar), birthday cake, chips, etc..
Keep track of calories if you want to lose weight. You'll reduce body fat only if you create a calorie deficit. A popular website for tracking food intake is Adding on exercise can help with fat loss IF the exercise contributes to a calorie deficit. (But the more you exercise, the more you might eat…)
Lifting weights is the key to building muscles. For energy to lift weights, you need extra carbohydrates. To support muscular growth, eat adequate (but not excessive) protein. Each muscle-building meal should be mostly carbs, with a side of protein, as opposed to mostly protein with minimal carbs.
Muscles store carbs as glycogen; glycogen depletion is associated with fatigue. Along with each one ounce of glycogen, muscles store about 3 ounces of water. Expect to gain 2 to 4 pounds of (water) weight when you carb-load.
Never eat an untried engineered sports food before an important competition. You may discover it settles poorly and hurts your performance. The website of competitive events indicate what foods and fluids will be available on the course. Find out in advance, so you can experiment during training!
Olive oil is heart-healthy, reduces inflammation, and helps absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K. Although excess calories from oil (and other fats) are fattening, a little bit of olive oil on salads and with cooking adds taste and health benefits.
Protein is an important part of a sports diet, needed for recovery from hard workouts. But protein should be the accompaniment and carbs the foundation of the recovery meal. Make that a carb shake with a little protein (not a protein shake with a little carb).
Quality nutrition is found in natural foods. Be sure there are some apple cores and banana peels mixed in with the litter from your engineered foods and energy bar wrappers...
Rest is an important part of a training program; your muscles need time to heal. Plan one or two days with little or no exercise per week. Expect to feel just as hungry on days with no exercise; depleted muscles require extra food to refuel.
Sweet cravings are a sign you've gotten too hungry. Experiment with doubling your breakfast and lunch (and halving your dinner). You'll have more energy, better workouts—and far less desire for sweets.
Thinner does not equate to being a better athlete—if the cost of being thin is skimpy meals and poorly fueled muscles. Focus on being fit and healthy--not just sleek and slim (but starving).
Urine that is dark colored and smelly indicates you need to drink more fluid. If you are well hydrated, you will eliminate pale-colored urine every 2 to 4 hours.
Vegetarian athletes who do not eat meat need to include a substantial portion of plant protein at each meal. Peanut butter on a bagel, hummus with pita, and beans in chili are just a few suggestions.
Weight is more than a matter of will power; genetics plays a role. Forcing your body to be too thin is abusive.
Xtra vitamins are best found the "all natural" way: in dark colorful vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, peppers, tomatoes and carrots, or in fresh fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, cantaloupe, strawberries and kiwi. Chow down!
Yes, even you can optimally fuel your engines. The trick is: Don't get too hungry. When too hungry, you'll likely grab the handiest (but not the healthiest) food around.
Zippy and zingy--that's how you'll feel when you fuel with premium nutrition. Eat well and enjoy your energy!

For personalized nutrition help, consult with a registered dietitian (RD) who is a board certified specialist in sports dietetics (CSSD). Use the referral network at to find your local food coach.

Nancy Clark MS, RD, CSSD (Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics) counsels casual exercisers and competitive athletes at Healthworks, the premier fitness center in Chestnut Hill, MA (617-383-6100). Her NEW 2008 Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook 4th Edition, and her Food Guide for Marathoners and Cyclist’s Food Guide are available via See also for online education.

Race Director Don Morrison, of Mid Atlantic Events, will conduct his premier trail running event of the season next Sunday; the Xterra 21K and 10k. Here’s some info on the event, in his own words:

The XTERRA Philly Trail Run Series is preparing for its largest race of the season taking place on July 20 in Nottingham County Park, Nottingham,Pa. It will feature a 21K Half Marathon and a 10K Trail Run.

Nottingham County Park is nestled within the beautiful Amish Pennsylvania Dutch Farms of southern Chester county.

Runners will travel through wooded areas over lush green fields,ruggid trails,and up steep crushing climbs.

The XTERRA Philly Trail Run Series has been a favorite among local athletes all season but this race has drawn larger attention with runners already registered from 11 states including Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Ohio, Kansas and many from the surrounding states.

Race amenities include: XTERRA T-Shirts, Post Race Pizza Party, Large prize drawing, and kids play areas.

Both the 21K and the 10K start together at 9am and will be timed by Pretzel City Sports of Reading, Pa ( Also, we will be having MLKimages at our event taking pictures. Here is the link where the pictures will be after the event.MLKimages- Nottingham XTERRA Xduro Photos.

Additional Information and to register go to:



By: Stanley Popovich

Your fears, anxieties, and other problems have the best of you and you don’t know where to turn for help. Your game is also starting to go south as a result of the stress and anxieties. In these cases, some athletes will use alcohol or other substances to feel better.
Alcohol and substance abuse or any other addictions will not take away your problems and fears. In the short run, they might make you feel better, but in the long run these addictions will only make things worse. So what do you do to make your problems and fears go away? Well, since you can’t runaway from them, then the best solution is to tackle your fears head on no matter how strong they may be. The key is to be smart in how you try to manage these fears. Here are some ways in how to manage your persistent fears and anxieties.

The first step is to learn to take it one day at a time. Instead of worrying about how you will get through the rest of the week or coming month, try to focus on today. Each day can provide us with different opportunities to learn new things and that includes learning how to deal with your problems. Focus on the present and stop trying to predict what may happen next week. Next week will take care of itself.

Remember that no one can predict the future with one hundred percent certainty. Even if the thing that you feared does happen there are circumstances and factors that you can’t predict which can be used to your advantage. For instance, let’s say at your place of work that you miss the deadline for a project you have been working on for the last few months. Everything you feared is coming true. Suddenly, your boss comes to your office and tells you that the deadline is extended and that he forgot to tell you the day before. This unknown factor changes everything. Remember: we may be ninety-nine percent correct in predicting the future, but all it takes is for that one percent to make a world of difference.

Another technique that is very helpful is to have a small notebook of positive statements that makes you feel good. Whenever you come across an affirmation that makes you feel good, write it down in a small notebook that you can carry around with you in your pocket. Whenever you feel depressed or frustrated, open up your small notebook and read those statements. This will help to manage your negative thinking.

Be smart in how you deal with your fears and anxieties. Do not try to tackle everything all at once. When facing a current or upcoming task that overwhelms you with a lot of anxiety, break the task into a series of smaller steps. Completing these smaller tasks one at a time will make the stress more manageable and increases your chances of success.

Avoiding your problem through the use of alcohol or other substances will do nothing in the long run in fixing your problems. Remember that It will just make things worse.


Stan Popovich is the author of "A Layman's Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods" - an easy to read book that presents a general overview of techniques that are effective in managing persistent fears and anxieties. For additional information go to:



By: Stanley Popovich

Sometimes, fear and anxiety can get the best of us in sports. The key is to know how to manage that fear and anxiety. As a result, here is a brief list of techniques that an athlete can use to help manage their fears and every day anxieties.

Occasionally, we you may become stressed when we have to play in an important round. When this happens, visualize yourself doing the task in your mind. For instance, you have to play in the championship golf game in front of a large group of people in the next few days. Before the big day comes, imagine yourself playing the game in your mind. Imagine that you are playing in front of a large audience. By playing the game in your mind, you will be better prepared to perform for real when the time comes. Self-Visualization is a great way to reduce the fear and stress of a coming situation.

Sometimes we get stressed out when everything happens all at once. When this happens, a person should take a deep breath and try to find something to do for a few minutes to get their mind off of the problem. A person could read the newspaper, listen to some music or do an activity that will give them a fresh perspective on things. This is a great technique to use right before your next game.

Another technique that is very helpful is to have a small notebook of positive statements that you can carry around with you. Whenever you come across an affirmation that makes you feel good, write it down in a small notebook that you can carry around with you. Whenever you feel stressed, open up your small notebook and read those statements. This will help to manage your negative thinking.

In every anxiety-related situation you experience, begin to learn what works, what doesn’t work, and what you need to improve on in managing your fears and anxieties. For instance, you have a lot of anxiety and you decide to take a small walk before your game to help you feel better. The next time you feel anxious you can remind yourself that you got through it the last time by taking a walk. This will give you the confidence to manage your anxiety the next time around.Take advantage of the help that is available around you. If possible, talk to a professional who can help you manage your fears and anxieties. They will be able to provide you with additional advice and insights on how to deal with your current problem. By talking to a professional, a person will be helping themselves in the long run because they will become better able to deal with their problems in the future. Remember that it never hurts to ask for help.

Remember that patience, persistence, and education will go a long way in preventing fear from becoming a factor in your game.


Stan Popovich is the author of "A Layman's Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods" - an easy to read book that presents a general overview of techniques that are effective in managing persistent fears and anxieties. For additional information go to:

Saturday, July 12, 2008

New text tackles youth physical activity and sedentary behavior

Champaign, IL-- As interest in the public health challenge of youth inactivity increases, Youth Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior (Human Kinetics, August 2008) sets a standard for addressing a problem with worldwide implications. Using a multidisciplinary approach, this text breaks away from traditional thinking that places activity and inactivity on a single continuum; instead it encourages readers to focus on how sedentary and physically active behaviors coexist and consider how the two behaviors may have different determinants.

Each chapter presents the latest research, real-world approaches to implementation, and background for discussion. Youth Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior also contains the following features:

  • Applications for professionals and researchers that provide practical suggestions for implementing solutions to youth inactivity
  • Coverage of more issues related to this subject than are available in any other reference
  • Internationally respected foreword writer, editors, and contributors who provide cross-disciplinary perspectives to examine solutions in a wider context

Youth Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior: Challenges and Solutions considers current research about youth physical activity and sedentary behavior across a range of personal factors as well as cultural and social influences. The text seeks to communicate the knowledge base on how developmental, economic, psychological, and social factors influence this problem and provides an overview of youth-specific approaches to the reduction of sedentary living and the promotion of active living.

For more information on Youth Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior: Challenges and Solutions, or a variety of other physical activity resources, visit Human Kinetics.

About the authors

Alan L. Smith, PhD, is associate professor of health and kinesiology at Purdue University. He is recognized internationally for his research in developmental sport and exercise psychology, serves as associate editor of the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, and is a consulting editor of Child Development. He is a fellow of the Research Consortium of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance and is a past chair of the Sport Psychology Academy of the National Association for Sport and Physical Education. He earned his PhD in exercise and movement science from the University of Oregon.

Stuart J. H. Biddle, PhD, is professor of exercise and sport psychology at Loughborough University. A recognized leader in the field of physical activity and health for young people, he has worked in the area for nearly 30 years. He is coauthor of the first textbook on exercise psychology and has delivered keynotes and other lectures in more than 20 countries. Dr. Biddle is past president of the European Federation for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity and was academic cochair of the Young and Active Project leading to national guidelines for physical activity for young people in the United Kingdom. He earned his PhD in psychology from Keele University.


Part I. Conceptualization of Youth Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior

Chapter 1. Definitions and Measurement Simon J. Marshall and Gregory J. Welk

Chapter 2. Youth Health OutcomesDavid J. Stensel, Trish Gorely, and Stuart J.H. Biddle

Chapter 3. A Sociohistorical Analysis of U.S. Youth Physical Activity and Sedentary BehaviorMary McElroy

Chapter 4. Conceptual Perspectives Claudio R. Nigg and Raheem J. PaxtonChapter

5. "Couch Potatoes" and "Wind-Up Dolls"? A Critical Assessment of the Ethics of Youth Physical Activity ResearchMichael Gard Part II. Developmental and Psychological Factors in Youth Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior C

6. Biocultural Factors in Developing Physical Activity LevelsRobert M. Malina

7. Youth Attitudes Martin S. Hagger and Nikos L.D. Chatzisarantis

8. Motivational Characteristics Stuart J.H. Biddle, Darren C. Treasure, and C.K. John Wang

9. The Role of the Self Peter R.E. Crocker, Kent C. Kowalski, and Valerie Hadd

10. Youth With Movement DifficultiesJanice Causgrove Dunn and Donna L. Goodwin

Part III. Social and Contextual Factors in Youth Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior

Chapter 11. The Family Brian E. Saelens and Jacqueline KerrChapter 12. Peers Alan L. Smith and Meghan H. McDonoughChapter 13. Physical Activity Levels During the School DayGareth Stratton, Stuart J. Fairclough, and Nicola D. RidgersChapter 14. Organized Sport and Physical Activity PromotionRobert J. Brustad, Runar Vilhjalmsson, and Antonio Manuel FonsecaChapter 15. Community Out-of-School Physical Activity PromotionDavid A. DzewaltowskiChapter 16. Living Environments Jo Salmon, John C. Spence, Anna Timperio, and Nicoleta CutumisuChapter 17. Economic Principles Chad D. MeyerhoeferChapter 18. Culturally Appropriate Research and InterventionsSuzanna M. Martinez, Elva M. Arredondo, Guadalupe X. Ayala, and John P. Elder

For more information, an excerpt, review copy, or author interview, contact:

Patty Lehn Publicity Manager-On short-term leave

Alexis KoontzPublicity Associate217.403.7985

Ron Horn the Comedian Running Organizer Update

Runners & Runettes;

A fair number of you may be getting your first ever Run Update eNewletter. How you’ve made it this long in life without this eclectic collection of insight is beyond me! These weekly emails are full of good running info, regional race reminders, tasteless jokes, life observations and multiple other hooey for which you’ll probably have no need. However, they are “free” and “you get what you pay for!” If you enjoy them, and over 10,700 do (or they just haven’t gotten around to unsubscribing), do nothing. Much like locust, they will continue to reappear at regular intervals. If you hate them, just unsubscribe. You WILL find some useful information among all the ranting and raving; however, you may have to be like Indiana Jones and dig thru a lot of cobwebs & decaying corpses to find it!
1) Numbers are starting to pick up for this Sunday’s Herbert’s Off Road 7.7M Run in Allentown. This event is a combination of rustic trails, cross country, cinder paths, a creek crossing, a covered bridge crossing, and who knows what else. You can find the app on, under trail apps and then under other trail apps. Speaking of trail runs, the prereg cutoff for the MOST EXCELLENT Marsh Creek Raptor 5M & 10M Trail Run is tomorrow, postmarked by July 12 (or go on, and speaking of cutoffs, the cutoff for the prereg price for the outstanding Lehigh Valley Hospital Marathon (and Relay) for VIA in early Sept is July 15th. Save some bucks so you can afford gas by getting your apps in for these events before the prereg price cutoff! The Marsh Creek app in on the Pretzel City site under “other trail apps” and on; the Via app is on Pretzel City will time all these events.
2) Busy mid-week racing schedule next week. The week starts on Wed night with the Phil’s Tavern 5k in Blue Bell (app on The event will be officially started by Bart Yasso, author and worldwide liaison for Runners World, who I suspect will have some of his books along to sign and sell. This is a VERY well run race and the Ambler RRC draws between 400-500 for this event regularly. The following night, the best excuse for undoing the positive effects of running with multiple beers afterwards occurs; the July edition of Pretzel City Sports’ Third Thirsty Thursday 5k at Trooper Thorn’s here in Reading (app on The festive atmosphere afterwards, helped along by the 1 free beer with registration, helps offset a trail that is a just a shade small for the size crowd that we get but everyone has such a good time that the very minor limitations of the course hardly seem to matter. And where else can your entourage (your publicist, personal masseuse, speedwork coach, Uncle Ernie who can’t be left alone at home with little kids or sharp objects, etc.) sit of the deck of an fine Irish Pub and watch the start and finish of a race without ever putting down their Killians.
3) VERY busy next weekend for Pretzel City. On Sat, we will time the 1st annual 24 hr run in Phila, to benefit the wonderful Back on My Feet charity. VERY pleased to say that the registration limits for all 3 events has been reached so be sure to come down and cheer your friends on as some of them try to keep their tootsies in motion for 24 hours nonstop. Or, spend your time poking me with a sharp stick so I stay awake for some 28-30 hours. The next day, on Sunday, trail runners will ABSOLUTELY want to head to Nottingham, PA in lower Chester Co (home of Herr’s Snack, a runner favorite) and join Don Morrison for his Xterra 10K and 21K trail run. Xterra events give out more door prizes than a politician gives out favors to large campaign donors and Don runs some WONDERFUL events. Big Wayne will time this 1st year event for Pretzel City and I’m sure that people looking to get in either a medium or longer trail race will NOT be disappointed (you’ll all get an email with more specifics on this event in the next day or two.)
4) Pretzel City Sports is now involved with about 75 races a year but we do only 2 of them for free. One is the Mt Penn Mudfest, which I founded to benefit our own local running club; the Pagoda Pacers. The other is next Sunday, the Winning Kick 5k. This race is a NEAT little small town race in the suburbs of Reading known as Mt Penn, is AMAZINGLY flat for a race in a town that starts with the word “Mount”, and runs thru beautiful old tree lined neighborhoods and around a small lake. My daughter played for the soccer club that benefits from this race for years and NEVER, in that whole time, came home with a paper to sell hoagies, candles, magazines, frozen pizzas, neutered kittens, etc. Our free involvement in this event allows them to continue this history of not extorting money from Grammy, the neighbors, your co-workers and anyone else who could not POSSIBLY want this junk but is too kind to turn down you or your rugrat. I hope that ALL of you that are not doing the 20 in 24 or the Xterra race will consider helping this very worthwhile organization raise funds thru their fast, accurate and enjoyable 5k; app is on the Pretzel City site. With only 50 entries to date and over 40 awards, I’m giving this event our not-so-coveted EASY AWARD designation. Plus, they have a kids 1 mile run that gives awards too!

5) Former president Bill Clinton was at a baseball game to perform some activities for the home team. About 10 minutes before the game, a secret service guy whispered in his ear.Upon hearing what he had to say, Bill picked up Hillary by the ears and threw her mightily towards home plate!
The secret service guy ran up to Bill Clinton with a look of horror on his face and exclaimed:

"Sir, I believe you seriously misunderstood me!”

“I said that it was time to throw out the first Pitch!”

6) A lot of you have collected a lot of running knowledge over the years. If you’re interested in sharing it with our runners of tomorrow and live up north of the Lehigh Valley, Lehighton High School is looking for a new Cross Country coach.
Here’s the scoop:
Head Coach Cross Country Needed (Boys and Girls): Lehighton High School. Season runs from August to end of October and maybe longer if kids make PIAA States. Pay is $3225 and you will need criminal, child abuse, and FBI clearances. (I realize that this latter requirement will be an issue for many of you!). If interested, send a letter of application to:
Shawn Hindy, AD, 1 Indian Lane, Lehighton, PA 18235 or email the same to him at
Everyone I know that coaches XC says its one of the most fulfilling things they have ever done in their lives.

7) A young man took his date to an X-rated movie. They purchased refreshments and he showed his date to her seat.
Soon after the onscreen action started, things got hot and heavy. As they did, the young woman put her hand on the man's lap and started getting “busy”.

Smiling, she looked over at him and remarked;

"From what I can feel, it’s obvious that this is really getting you excited, too. But how come you feel so cold? Do you have bad circulation?” “No", he responded, “what I have now is your fingerprints all over my popsicle!"

Be Ready for Roth Conversions in 2010

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Opportunity for high-income earners to convert
By Deborah L. Jacobs
Published: July 09, 2008
If you've been shut out of a Roth IRA because of your income, 2010 is the year that you may finally be able to take advantage of these tax-free accounts. That's because in 2010 you'll be able to convert a Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. And as an added bonus, for tax year 2010, you'll be able to spread the tax impact over the next two years, 2011 and 2012.
The time to do something may be now. You may want to contribute as much as you can to a Traditional IRA before then, so you can convert as much as possible.
The details Starting in 2010, most taxpayers -- regardless of their incomes or tax-filing status -- will be able to convert a Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA as spelled out in the Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005 (TIPRA), passed in May 2006. Before TIPRA, only people -- single or married, filing jointly -- with modified adjusted gross income below $100,000 could convert.
Benefits of Roth IRAs Roth IRAs offer some benefits not available with a Traditional IRA. Taxpayers who are 59 1/2 and older can make withdrawals from a Roth IRA without paying federal income tax. And unlike a Traditional IRA, there's no requirement to take yearly minimum distributions once you reach age 70 1/2. This means your money has the potential to continue to grow for as long as you live, which may increase the amount that your beneficiaries inherit.
Sound good? Here's how to prepare.
1. Start funding Traditional IRAs. Since there are no income limits for a Traditional IRA, investors can fund one for the next three years, with the intention of converting it to a Roth IRA in 2010. The more money you have in a Traditional IRA by 2010, the more you will be able to convert to a Roth IRA, so it pays to sock away as much as possible between now and then, says Barry C. Picker, an accountant and financial planner with Picker, Weinberg & Auerbach in Brooklyn, N.Y.
While your Traditional IRA contributions may not be tax deductible -- because you have an employer-sponsored retirement plan, such as a 401(k), or your income is over phaseout levels1 -- you can still make nondeductible contributions. For 2008, anyone with earned income can contribute up to $5,000 per year if under age 50, and $6,000 if age 50 or older. (Once you reach age 70 1/2, you are required to start taking distributions from a Traditional IRA and can no longer add to the account.)
If you already have an IRA, you can simply add to it, Picker says. As long as you keep a record on IRS Form 8606 of your nondeductible contributions, there's no need to create a separate one just for this purpose.
How Fidelity can help
Open an IRA or contribute to your existing IRA.
2. Maximize contributions to qualified plans. If you are currently participating in a workplace savings plan, such as a 401(k) -- and know you will be able to roll it over into an IRA because you are leaving the company or retiring -- consider funding the 401(k) account to the greatest extent possible before then, says Ed Slott, a CPA in Rockville Centre, N.Y., and author of Parlay Your IRA Into a Family Fortune (Viking, 2005). That's because in 2010 you'll be able to roll it directly into a Roth IRA. For 2008, the limit for 401(k) contributions is $15,500, plus an extra $5,000 if you are age 50 or older.
3. Be prepared to pay tax on the Roth IRA conversion. When converting from a Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA, you will owe income tax on any taxable portion of the account balance. An important point to note: Conversions must occur on a pro-rata basis, meaning you cannot choose to only convert the portion you've already paid taxes on. For example, say you have an existing $100,000 Rollover Traditional IRA with pre-tax money. You make $5,000 in after-tax contributions to it every year from 2008 to 2010 for $15,000 in total. You'd have to pay taxes on 87% of the $15,000 because taxes are calculated as a proportion of the total of your IRA accounts ($115,000). Please consult a tax advisor to see what this may mean in your situation.
Those who convert in 2010 may have a dramatically higher tax bill in 2011 and 2012. However, if you do the conversion in 2010, TIPRA offers two additional benefits. First, you don't have to pay any federal tax on the conversion in 2010. What's more, unless you elect otherwise, and as long as the converted amounts are not distributed before 2012, half of the taxable amount will be included in income for 2011 and half for 2012. Of course, it is better not to pay those taxes with funds withdrawn from the IRA or other retirement accounts, since doing that could generate yet more tax.
4. Understand the potential estate-planning benefits of a Roth IRA. People who inherit Roth IRAs also get favorable tax treatment, so converting a Traditional IRA or workplace savings account to a Roth IRA may be a savvy estate-planning tool, notes John Ragnoni, senior vice president of retirement products for Fidelity. Non-spouse beneficiaries must take distributions over their life expectancies but, unlike with a Traditional IRA, they generally don't have to pay income tax on the withdrawals. When a spouse -- let's assume it's a wife -- inherits a Roth IRA, she also has the additional option she has with a Traditional IRA, which is to roll over the retirement account into her own Roth IRA.
5. Expect the unexpected. Two wild cards may affect planning for Roth IRA conversions. One is the prospect that Congress will raise tax rates, which would increase the toll charge for doing a conversion. The other is the prospect of a new law repealing these provisions of TIPRA before they take effect in 2010. Either way, "none of these planning techniques can really hurt you," Picker says. "The worst-case scenario is that somebody put money away into a non-deductible Traditional IRA, which is a good move anyway.
How Fidelity can help Learn more about
Roth IRAs.
(Please e-mail any comments to Investor's Weekly at

Why Parents Need to Save More for College!


Parents Saving Only 13% of College Costs
Research shows parents not saving enough
By Joanna Woodworth
Published: July 09, 2008

When three million1 students graduated from high school last month, many of their parents faced the realization that they have insufficient college savings.
Fidelity research2 found that parents of high school seniors expect to have just 13% of the estimated $100,0003 needed to fund a four-year college education. Additionally, parents anticipate student loans to cover 17% of their child's total college expenses, even as loans are projected to become more difficult to secure and may carry higher interest rates and less favorable terms.
According to the College Board, students received a total of $78 billion4 in both federal and private loans for the 2006-07 academic year, illustrating the reliance on financial aid to supplement college costs. Fidelity estimates that in order for parents to cover 17% of college costs in loans, today's high school seniors could incur $25,0005 or more in future debt.
"As college tuition continues to rise year-after-year, financial aid and loans can be part of the overall savings strategy, but it should not be as substitute for starting to save early and often in a tax-advantaged account, like a 529 plan," says Joe Ciccariello, vice president of college planning, Fidelity Personal & Workplace Investing. "In fact, our research shows that parents of children ages 15-18, who currently utilize a 529 plan, have significantly more savings and are on tract to cover almost half of college expenses."
Despite the preparedness of those parents utilizing a 529 plan, many parents (60%) still struggle to understand how savings in a dedicated college savings account are factored into the financial aid formula. Investing in a 529 plan account has a relatively small impact on financial aid because assets in a 529 plan are considered those of the parent not the child. Other savings accounts held in the name of the child or beneficiary may have a greater affect on financial aid eligibility as they are considered as assets of the child.
How Fidelity can help The 529 Plan Comparison Tool and 529 State Tax Deduction Calculator are designed to help you better understand the differences between plans and whether there is a significant tax advantage in your home state.
Learn more about Fidelity managed 529 Plans.
(Please e-mail any comments to Investor's Weekly at

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Good summary of CFA rule changes in 2008

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As is the trend, these play to the speed up the game freaks...the 40 second clock is what the NFL has. I am curious how spread, no huddle teams will make out. Check in with Michigan this year to see how it impacts their game as Rich Rod always trying to keep the defense on their heals with his tempo game.

Also - all face masks are 15 yards. No penalty for what used to be incidental face masks. That might change some games as refs no have to make a subjective decision about throwing the flag. Whereas before they could throw it and have a few seconds to think about a 5 vs 15 yard infraction. Agree? Disagree?

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Secrets to a perfect pass- Three skills every soccer player should practice

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I have to admit, when I saw the title of this book and was hoping for a football book. As a former QB I am always looking for info on the Perfect Pass. Then again, the perfect pass in football is a completed one! Or one for a first down on 3nd and long...either way, I was wrong, this is about soccer and in our self centered universe, the art of passing is very often overlooked. I might argue that the ability to pass and set up a goal is as prized as a big footed goal basher...either way, this book might help you pass the ball better and in turn score more goals, but more pressure on the opponent and keep the ball away from their big guns...

Champaign, IL--Passing and support are some of the most important aspects of a soccer game. Soccer is a game of possession, and games are often won by the team that keeps possession of the ball for a longer time. "When under pressure, the player who passes rather than dribbles generally has a better chance of succeeding," says soccer legend Michael Parker. "It's vital that all players learn to be good passer of the ball, and it's especially important that they realize when and where to pass the ball."

In Premier Soccer (Human Kinetics, 2008), Parker addresses three factors that contribute to a skillful pass:

  1. Accuracy. A player must be able to strike the ball correctly and accurately, most often aiming at a teammate's feet. The most accurate technique is to use the side of the foot, with the toe rotated outward. This kind of pass should be used for shorter distances of 5 to 20 yards. For longer passes, the instep of the foot should be used. This type of pass is more powerful but more difficult to do accurately. Defenders try to read the pass so that they can quickly get into position to intercept it or quickly close down the player receiving the ball. Thus the attacker needs to disguise the pass as well as possible--for example, by running in one direction and passing in the other, by changing direction quickly, or by faking or delaying the pass.
  2. Timing. The ball must be released at the right time. If it is released too soon, the receiving player may not have had time to get into good position to receive it; if it is released too late, players may have run offside or into positions where they can no longer receive it. As a general rule, if the pressuring defender is farther away than the player who is the target of the pass, then it is too soon to make the pass.
  3. Pace and power. The speed of the pass makes a huge difference. During keep-away sessions in practice, it's critical to put good pace on the ball in order to create a better rhythm and make it harder for defenders to intercept the ball. In game play, however, good judgment is essential: If a pass is too slow, it will be intercepted. If it is too strong, the receiving player may have difficulty controlling it. So passing speed should be adjusted to the conditions of the field, the particulars of the game, and the ability of teammates. In general, the better the receiver, the faster the pass should be. Passers must work hard to put good pace on the ball, and the player receiving the ball must work even harder to control it. The passer knows he has done well when the receiver can do anything he wants with it on the first touch.

In Premier Soccer, Parker presents intermediate to advanced techniques and tactics and the keys to using them in various situations during the heat of the match. He also provides the key elements for team success, including set plays, restarts, practice drills, and systems of play proven to work for his championship teams. For more information on Premier Soccer, contact Human Kinetics at 800-747-4457 or visit

Michael Parker
Paperback · 208 pp
ISBN 978-0-7360-6824-6 · $18.95

Michael Parker, the wins leader among active Division I men's soccer coaches, has won six national titles in 30 years of collegiate head coaching experience spanning all three NCAA levels. He has been at University of North Carolina at Greensboro since 1984, taking a club program and leading it to success in Division III (two national titles) and Division I (fourth among Division I active coaches with a winning percentage of .736).

His teams have made 19 NCAA tournament appearances, and in 1993 he became the first men's soccer coach in NCAA history to lead a team to the tournament in all three divisions. During his tenure, UNCG has won 10 conference titles, including six during its Division I era. Parker's 2004 team was ranked No. 1 in polls for much of the season. Parker also won three national titles while head coach at Lock Haven in 1977 and 1978 (Division III) and 1980 (Division II) and three national titles at the semipro level with the USISL's Greensboro Dynamo in 1993, 1994, and 1995.


Chapter 1. Winning Attitude

Chapter 2. Roles of Players and Coaches

Chapter 3. Attacking Skills and Tactics

Chapter 4. Defending Skills and Tactics

Chapter 5. Systems of Play

Chapter 6. Set Plays and Restarts

Chapter 7. Physical Conditioning and Nutrition

Chapter 8. Practice Sessions

Chapter 9. Matches